New Pastor-Elders and Deacons Serving Calvary!
Our Pastor-Elder and Deacon Teams want to invite you to THREE very important events coming up in May and June!
Pastor-Elder Candidate Share and Q&A - May 15th @ 5pm
We take eldership very seriously at Calvary, recognizing that pastor-elders exercise oversight and shepherding care of Jesus's church -- who is our Chief Shepherd! This is a high calling, and the Bible is clear about the expectations and qualifications of the pastor-elders in a local church.
Potential pastor-elders put in 2 years of study, meetings, and prayer as they discern this call on their lives and the lives of their family members. The final steps are for these men to share their stories and field questions from the congregation before a final affirmation vote (see below).
The current Pastor-Elders are excited to have Michael Ballard, Reed Larson and Adam Skatula sharing their stories and interacting with you on this special evening. What a great time for us to gather and hear from the hearts of three men who love Christ and His church! We could not be more blessed to have men like this at our church, and the current Pastor-Elders wholeheartedly commend them to you and invite you to join us this night!
Covenant Members Meeting - June 4th @ 7pm
Every Covenant Members Meeting is an important one, and this one is no different! We need a quorum of members present to vote to affirm our new Elders and Deacons as well as vote to affirm new covenant members and the next fiscal year budget, and hear some updates of what the Lord is doing in various other ministries in the church.
Pastor-Elder & Deacon Ordination - June 26th @ 6pm
Similarly, current deacon candidates have spent the past year exploring the role of deacon and serving alongside current Deacons as they have discerned this important call on their lives. We are excited to be ordaining Chris Bridgham, John Mendoza, Anthony Pudewell, Brandon Shadakofsky, Stephen Verwers as Calvary Deacons, along with our Pastor-Elder Candidates! This will be a very special evening to celebrate as a church family. Please plan to join us for the ordination service!
These events are very tangible expressions of the Biblical vision for the local church -- exercising the joys of being a part of a family!
We hope to see you there, and we love you!
Mark Hallock on behalf of the Pastor-Elder and Deacon Teams
Pastor-Elder Candidate Share and Q&A - May 15th @ 5pm
We take eldership very seriously at Calvary, recognizing that pastor-elders exercise oversight and shepherding care of Jesus's church -- who is our Chief Shepherd! This is a high calling, and the Bible is clear about the expectations and qualifications of the pastor-elders in a local church.
Potential pastor-elders put in 2 years of study, meetings, and prayer as they discern this call on their lives and the lives of their family members. The final steps are for these men to share their stories and field questions from the congregation before a final affirmation vote (see below).
The current Pastor-Elders are excited to have Michael Ballard, Reed Larson and Adam Skatula sharing their stories and interacting with you on this special evening. What a great time for us to gather and hear from the hearts of three men who love Christ and His church! We could not be more blessed to have men like this at our church, and the current Pastor-Elders wholeheartedly commend them to you and invite you to join us this night!
Covenant Members Meeting - June 4th @ 7pm
Every Covenant Members Meeting is an important one, and this one is no different! We need a quorum of members present to vote to affirm our new Elders and Deacons as well as vote to affirm new covenant members and the next fiscal year budget, and hear some updates of what the Lord is doing in various other ministries in the church.
Pastor-Elder & Deacon Ordination - June 26th @ 6pm
Similarly, current deacon candidates have spent the past year exploring the role of deacon and serving alongside current Deacons as they have discerned this important call on their lives. We are excited to be ordaining Chris Bridgham, John Mendoza, Anthony Pudewell, Brandon Shadakofsky, Stephen Verwers as Calvary Deacons, along with our Pastor-Elder Candidates! This will be a very special evening to celebrate as a church family. Please plan to join us for the ordination service!
These events are very tangible expressions of the Biblical vision for the local church -- exercising the joys of being a part of a family!
We hope to see you there, and we love you!
Mark Hallock on behalf of the Pastor-Elder and Deacon Teams