Show and tell the Gospel boldly
Whether it’s using your unique sphere of influence to go across the world or across the street, reaching people with the good news of the gospel is for all of us. Our Go Local and Go Global ministry teams help maintain relationships with our partners and provide opportunities for outreach. However it looks for you, our hope is for you to “go” with a Bible in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other.

Go Local
While there are numerous ways to GO locally, we partner specifically with Giving Heart in serving the homeless and with North Littleton Promise in serving immigrant kids and their families.

Go Global
We join the mission of God to every nation, tribe, and people through praying, giving, and going. Our GO Global team can keep you updated on opportunities and stories of what Calvary is doing around the world.

Church Planting and Replanting
We are eager to plant and replant churches for God’s glory in communities that desperately need a gospel witness. Our church, once a dying church, is excited to replant churches throughout the west to join God in bringing the hope of the gospel through the local church. There are various ways you can connect with these efforts.