Women's Ministry

Join the women of Calvary this spring as we study the second half of the book of Exodus!

In this 10-session study of Exodus 19–40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes of the giving of the Ten Commandments, the idolatrous worship of a golden calf, and of the intricate details of the tabernacle. And with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach God's children today about how to live as those set free
9:30-11am • Apr 8th, May 13th

At Calvary, we seek to connect with one another authentically! We're also passionate about fostering meaningful friendships among women of all ages, and that's where Coffee Mornings comes in! This Spring, dive into Coffee Mornings and discover the joy of bonding over a warm beverage in a cozy home setting. Sign up now and be placed in a small group, perfect for mingling with new faces and forging lasting connections. Kids are welcome, however, no childcare available. Who's in? Let's sip, chat, and make memories together!
Are you journeying through the early years of motherhood with full hands and a desire for connection? Join a WhatsApp chat group of Calvary moms for encouragement, swapping gear, asking for advice, and planning get togethers! Click the graphic above to get connected today!
Embrace Grace provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower the church to be a safe and nonjudgmental place for these young women to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed because of shame and guilt. It is a 12-week program that teaches them about God's love and grace, and at the end we will give them a baby shower to honor them for choosing life and to help provide for their baby’s needs.

For more information on Embrace Grace ministries, please visit www.embracegrace.com. If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact Anne Blok, who is heading up this group at our church.