Who We Are

At Calvary, we care a great deal about children and their families. Calvary Kids is a God-centered, interactive, fun and safe environment where children can learn about Jesus and apply the gospel in a way that is culturally relevant to their lives and development.

What to Expect

If you will be checking kids in for the first time, head to the Children's Welcome Desk on the west end of the building to register your kids for classes. We recommend arriving 10 minutes early to get this process started and get your seats in the sanctuary before services start!
Calvary Kids offers an interactive learning environment for your child to build relationships, love Jesus and join in our church’s mission “to glorify God by making joyful, passionate disciples of Jesus.” While we believe that parents are the primary nurturers of their child’s spiritual development, we take our responsibility to heart in partnering with families on a journey of teaching children what it means to live a Gospel-Centered life for the glory of God and for their joy!

Ready to Serve?

We would love to equip and encourage those whom God has gifted to work with kids. If you would like to take the next step in serving with Calvary KIDS, let us know!


If you have any questions or would like to talk about Calvary KIDS, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Amy Skatula (amy@thecalvary.org).


We offer the following classes at both 9:00 and 10:45, with the exception of Pro 5-6 which is offered at the 10:45 service only.

(Ages 6 months to 24 months)

Nursery is a safe, fun, and uplifting environment for babies aged 6 to 24 months. Babies will be held and played with, and sad children will be soothed to the best of the volunteer’s abilities. Children may be dropped off anytime at the beginning of service.

Toddlers (Ages 2-3)

A successful Jesus-centered ministry starts with a comprehensive plan. Couple that with our deep rooted passion to bring God’s Word to kids in fun, easy-to-learn ways, based on a strong foundation in the Bible that gives kids godly values they can carry with them throughout their lives. That’s the Gospel Light difference!

(Ages 4 through Kindergarten)

Our PreK/K class is a safe, fun, and structured learning environment for those kids. Teachers will prepare a lesson using our Gospel Light curriculum, and explain the bible stories in a way that is understandable to young children. Free play time is included as a portion of the time, in addition to a Bible lesson, and a craft or activity. Children may enter the PreK/Kindergarten class upon turning age 4. Kids are dismissed to class after the beginning worship portion of the service. Classes meet all year.

Elementary Classes (1st-4th grade)

Our elementary classes are divided into two groups: 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th grade. Children will be taught a Bible lesson as a large group from the Gospel Project Curriculum, then be dismissed to their two groups for Bible Memory activities, Bible skills, story review, and a craft or activity to connect the story. Children are dismissed to class after the beginning worship portion of the service. Classes meet throughout the school year, and take a break for 8 weeks each summer.

Pro 5-6 (5th and 6th grade)

Pro 5-6 is our class specifically for fifth and sixth graders! They are dismissed to class after the beginning of the worship portion of the service, and meet at the 10:45 service only. This group works through the New City Catechism curriculum, and the class time is focused on memorizing the catechism question for the morning, playing games, relationship building, and often a treat brought by the teachers.