We are putting together a multigenerational choir to sing on Dec 17th and help lead our congregation in some celebratory Christmas hymns for Advent! All ages and abilities are welcome. Children age 7 and under should be accompanied by an adult or responsible older sibling.
*We understand that schedules may affect your availability to attend every rehearsal, so perfect attendance is not required for participation. However, we hope that by offering several dates, you will be able to join us for as many as you are able.
- We will be singing during both worship services on December 17th.
- Rehearsals will be after church on November 26, December 3, 10.
- Contact Sarah Anderson with any questions!
*We understand that schedules may affect your availability to attend every rehearsal, so perfect attendance is not required for participation. However, we hope that by offering several dates, you will be able to join us for as many as you are able.